Medication Tips7 Health And Medication Tips For Those Travelling To A Bali Villa

One of the increasingly popular holiday options which many Australians are choosing in large numbers is Bali villas.

If you are unsure what this entails, then let us explain that it is holidaying in the stunningly beautiful islands of Bali, but instead of staying in a hotel, you rent a villa for the duration.

Not only are these villas luxurious, but they also give you greater freedom with regards to meals, plus the obvious advantage of not sharing the accommodation with other holidaymakers.

As with any holiday overseas, you will need to take into account some practical matters.

This includes ensuring you have all your documentation, checking your passport is up to date, arranging for local currency, and the important matter of ensuring everyone who is travelling with you remains healthy.

There are many ways those objectives concerning health can be achieved, but not everyone is aware of them, especially if they are travelling to a country which they have never visited before or do not know what the local health advice is for tourists.

To help those reading who might be in that position, below we have outlined seven health and medication tips that we recommend you follow.

#1 – Everyone Should Have Health Checks Before Travelling: Before travelling to Bali, you should suggest to everyone you are travelling with to have medical checks. This includes a visit to their GP, and it is advised that everyone visits their dentist and optician for check-ups and any treatment which is deemed necessary.

#2 – Ensure You Have Travel Insurance That Covers Health/Accidents: One of the most important matters to take care of is travel insurance and more specifically insurance which provides medical cover. The more comprehensive the cover, the more the premium will be, but this is not something you should try to do on the cheap, given the repercussions if you have a medical emergency and insufficient medical insurance for treatment or repatriation.

#3 – Consider Having Inoculations: There is no obligation for anyone travelling to Bali to have inoculations, but most medical practitioners will strongly recommend them anyway. Specifically, inoculations for Hepatitis A, Rabies, Dengue Fever, and Malaria are advised.

#4 – Ensure Anyone Who Takes Medications Has Sufficient Quantities: If anyone in your holiday party is required to take prescription medications for a health issue, such as insulin for diabetes, they must ensure they have a sufficient supply of these medications before leaving Australia.

#5 – Pack A Small First Aid Kit: This is a tip we would recommend for any holiday, and it definitely applies to going to Bali. Purchase and take with you a small first aid kit that has a minimum of bandages, plasters, and antiseptic cream, just in case anyone cuts themselves or has a minor accident.

#6 – Research Local Health And Medical Facilities: Thankfully, it is unlikely that anyone will require local medical care, but it is prudent to research what medical facilities such as hospitals and local pharmacies there are, and which are near to where your Bali villa is located.

#7 – Avoid Drinking Tap Water In Bali: One of the best tips we can give is an extremely simple one and that is no one should drink tap water in Bali because their water treatment facilities are insufficient. Instead, drink bottled water or soft drinks only.